Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

5 Tenses Simple Tense

Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is a sentence that declares an act or activities that take place / occur at the current time in the form of a simple or a job done repeatedly, daily habits, events or acts that have nothing to do with time, and to express general truths.
(+) S + V1
(-) S + do,does + not + V1
(?) do/does + S + V1

I am a singer (+)
I am not a singer (-)
Am I a singer (?)

Simple past tense
Simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. Duration is not important. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past.
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did + not + V1
(?) dit + S + V1

Present/past Continous Tense
The present/past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. In other words, it expresses an unfinished or incomplete action in the past.
(+) S + be + Ving
(-) S + be + not + Ving
(?) be + S + Ving

Simple future tense
The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this case there is no 'attitude'.
(+) S + Will + V1 i will go
(-) S + Will + not + V1
(+) Will + S + V1 

Present perfect tense
The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements : the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb to have (present tense), plus the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of a regular verb is base+ed, e.g. played, arrived, looked. For irregular verbs, see the Table of irregular verbs in the section called 'Verbs'.
(+) S + has/have + V3(-) S + has/have + not + V3
(?) has/have + S + V3

1.He (buy) a cake. (Simple Past Tense)
Answer :
(+) He bought cake
(-) He didn’t buy cake
(?) Did He buy cake?

2. Agus  (forget) a key. (Present Perfect Tense)
Answer :
(+) Agus has forgotten a key
(-) Agus hasn’t forgotten a key
(?) Has Agus forgotten a key?

3. Yeri (make) the cake (Past Continous Tense)
Answer :
(+) She were making a cake
(-) She weren’t making a cake
(?) Were she making a cake?

4.The cafe (open) at 6am (Simple Present Tense)
Answer :
(+) The cafe open at 6am
(-) The cafe doesn’t open at 6am
(?) Does the cafe open at 6am?

5. Andri (drink) lemon tea (Simple Future Tense)
Answer :
(+) Andri will drink lemon tea
(-) Andri will not drink lemon tea
(?) Will Andri drink lemon tea?

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Why I Choosing The Study Major

Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb, best wishes

Well, I'll tell you about my reasons why I chose the faculty of agriculture department of agribusiness. Recommend, my name is Achmad Fauzan, alumni of the boarding school Nazhatut Thullab Prajjan village, district Camplong, Sampang Madura, East Java province. Honestly, I have no intention of studying in the faculty of agriculture, even I do not have a desire to study in London. Initially I wanted to go to STT Malang, because at the time I was there first school I majored in computer engineering network. So in my opinion, one way if I continue in STT Malang. But because my parents did not allow me and told me to return to Pontianak, inevitably I have to go back to my hometown is in Pontianak. Until here, my parents wanted me to enter the university faculty in economics Tanjongpura Pontianak, but I myself would like to farm because they want to follow my cousin. So at the time of registration of the economy and then the first choice for the second option I chose agriculture and Alhamdulillah I entered and accepted on the farm. Over time I began to love the farm, which turned on the farm a lot I did not know. My second reason, I want to prove to the world, to those who are often looked at with the eyes that agriculture faculty of agriculture graduates should not be a farmer. In fact, we are majoring in agribusiness could be entrepreneurs who may be more successful. Because of what? because here we also taught economics. That we can use for business or build their own business. That way we can reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.